Land your dream job faster

Land your dream job faster

Become a top choice for every job you apply for

Save hours on each job application

Which AI job search tool would you like to try for free first?

Job matching

Find your perfect job before other applicants. Ditch irrelevant job search results for curated job alerts that match your unique skills and goals.

Resume review

Tailor your resume to the job description. Pass through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) resume checker and show the recruiter why you are the perfect fit.

Cover letter

Save time. Let AI write a personalized cover letter that reads as if written by a human in seconds. Convince the hiring manager to invite you for a job interview.

Interview prep

Find and practice job interview questions for your role. Receive real-time feedback and sample answers in mock interviews. Refine your responses and gain confidence.

Features designed to make your job search more effective

Curated job alerts

Free, fully personalized, AI-powered job alerts that perfectly fit your skillset, location, and job preferences.

Find a job
Screenshot of a free job alert from JobSearch.Coach

Expert resume review

Professional resume edits that highlight your strengths, tailored to a specific job listing.

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Screenshot of AI resume review at JobSearch.Coach

ATS resume checker

Keywords that help your resume or CV pass the employer's automated applicant tracking system resume check.

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Screenshot of ATS resume checker at JobSearch.Coach

Compelling cover letter

Get a personalized cover letter, instantly. Our cover letters don't sound like a robot wrote them.

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Screenshot of AI cover letter generator at JobSearch.Coach

Job interview preparation

Job interview questions to prepare for, predicted for a specific role and company.

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Screenshot of likely job interview questions identified during AI interview preparation at JobSearch.Coach

Mock interviews with an AI coach

Practice interview questions out loud to receive real-time, actionable feedback.

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Screenshot of mock interview feedback while using AI interview preparation at JobSearch.Coach

Easy to use

No credit card required. There is no complex prompt writing. All you need is your resume draft and a job description.

Sign in with Gmail or create a new account in seconds.

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Screenshot showing how easy to use JobSearch.Coach is


💡Is my data safe and secure?

We protect your privacy with industry-standard encryption, in transit and at rest. Your resume and everything you write or say is securely encrypted and never sold. We do not share your personal information with advertisers, data brokers, or web trackers that follow you around the internet.

We do not store your credit card information. Stripe, our licensed and regulated payment processor, upholds stringent security standards and goes through regular audits.

For a detailed explanation of how we handle your data, please review our privacy policy.

💡How is JobSearch.Coach different from ChatGPT?

Our AI job search coach:

  1. Delivers more useful and personalized resume edits and cover letters, whereas advice from ChatGPT tends to be more generic, of unpredictable quality, and sometimes with fabricated credentials.
  2. Is easier and faster to use. All you need is your old resume and a job listing. To generate acceptable results in this high stakes domain, ChatGPT requires users to write long and sophisticated prompts and engage in back-and-forth chat messages.
  3. Catches many more mistakes in resumes and job interviews because it is trained on high-quality data from hiring managers, recruiters, and career coaches. This AI knows what hiring managers and recruiters are looking for.
  4. Has access to millions of current job openings, and can find you an expert job match before there are hundreds of applicants. ChatGPT's data is several months old.

For more details and examples, read this comparison of JobSearch.Coach with ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and Claude.

💡What roles and industries does your job search coach specialize in?

A big advantage of our AI model is that it has deep knowledge across many industries. People have used it to get jobs in software and hardware engineering, data science and analytics, project management, sales, marketing, customer support, recruiting, HR, IT, healthcare, education, nonprofit management, government, and other fields. JobSearch.Coach has assisted everyone from students looking for internships to mid-career professionals to seasoned executives with decades of experience. The only jobs we do not cover are faculty positions at research universities and military roles.

💡What services does JobSearch.Coach include?

Think of us as an affordable online career coach available whenever you need assistance. We provide four AI tools designed to help job seekers with the trickiest tasks in different stages of the job search process:

Free job alerts that match your unique career goals and skillset.

AI resume review that helps you optimize your resume for each specific job posting.

An artificial intelligence cover letter generator that writes personalized cover letters almost instantly.

An AI interview preparation tool that not only predicts the content of your next job interview but also allows you to practice and refine your answers with feedback.

💡What data does JobSearch.Coach's artificial intelligence use?

Our AI job search coach works with the resume you upload and job descriptions, analyzing them in great detail. It leverages curated advice from hiring managers, recruiters, and career coaches. It also uses exclusive, up-to-date information on the attributes and skills various employers value in candidates, as well as the company-specific terms and phrases they expect. This ensures that you receive top-tier, personalized guidance for your job search. Try it out and take a step towards your next career opportunity!

💡Do I have to pay when I sign up for JobSearch.Coach?

No, you do not have to pay anything when you sign in with your email or create a new account. You do not have to provide your credit card number either. You can simply try a limited number of resume reviews, cover letters, and mock interviews for free. If you find these AI tools useful in your job search, you can buy unlimited access. AI job matching is always free.

💡How can I use JobSearch.Coach for free?

When you sign in with your email or create a new account, you get for free:

No credit card needed.

If you like your experience, consider buying unlimited access to all the features.

💡After my free trial is over, can I just sign up for a new free trial with a different email?

No, sorry. While it is tempting to create multiple accounts for additional free trials, doing so would violate our Terms of Service. Both of your accounts could be terminated.

Instead, consider the value you are getting from JobSearch.Coach and think about whether it would justify its price for you. Most of our paying customers have successfully landed jobs they liked within two months, thanks to our AI's help. They usually recoup their investment during their very first hour on the job.

💡Can I access JobSearch.Coach on mobile devices?

Yes, JobSearch.Coach is optimized for mobile use, allowing users to benefit from AI assistance with their job search on smartphones and tablets.

💡What if I have any other questions or need customer support?

Please email us at We are here to help you!