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Struggling to find a job you are both qualified for and interested in? Tired of irrelevant LinkedIn job alerts?

Sign up for free job alerts perfectly fitting your skillset, career goals, and location.

Receive an expert job match as soon as the job opens, and before it has 800 applicants.

We monitor thousands of reputable companies and job boards, so you do not have to.

Millions of jobs across the US, UK, and Canada.

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AI job matching in 3 easy steps


Describe the jobs you are looking for in your own words. Our AI will sift through millions of job listings from top employers to find the best matches for your resume and preferences.

Screenshot of user-friendly AI job search


Receive free job alerts by email whenever the right job for you opens up. Unlike other job boards, we will send you only relevant jobs.

Screenshot of a free job alert received by email


Instantly understand why each job is a good fit for your career goals and what makes you a strong candidate.

Screenshot of a personalized AI-generated job summary
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💡What makes JobSearch.Coach the best job search engine?

JobSearch.Coach uses AI to find the best matches for your skills, job level, and preferences. Our AI analyzes your resume and millions of job descriptions to provide personalized recommendations.

Unlike LinkedIn job alerts and Google job search, which rely on keyword searches, our AI ensures you won't miss opportunities due to "wrong" keywords. For example, if you are looking for "UX researcher" roles, our AI will also find relevant "User Experience Research," "Design Research," and "Customer Insights" jobs.

JobSearch.Coach is an end-to-end AI platform that helps job seekers not only find but also land their next job. In addition to personalized job alerts, our AI can tailor your resume to each job you apply for, write a compelling cover letter in seconds, and give you real-time feedback during mock interviews.

💡How many jobs are posted on JobSearch.Coach?

Our free AI job search has access to millions of job listings from top employers and job boards. Unlike often overwhelming job boards that show you all their job postings, we provide an expertly curated shortlist of job opportunities that match your skills and interests. Think of us as your highly selective personal reverse recruiter.

💡In what countries does your AI job matching work?

You can currently sign up for free job alerts for on-site, hybrid, or remote jobs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. We plan to add more locations in the future.

💡Does JobSearch.Coach focus on certain job types or industries?

No. We find full-time and part-time jobs, permanent positions, and temporary contracts across many industries: tech, finance, healthcare, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, IT, sales, marketing, HR, education, government, and more.

💡Is JobSearch.Coach good for executive job search?

Yes. We have access to many director, VP, and C-suite job openings. While these positions may take time to appear on the job market, we save you time by emailing only relevant jobs. For example, if you are looking for a "Chief AI Officer" role, we will alert you as soon as it appears, unlike LinkedIn job alerts which would spam you with irrelevant "Chief Revenue Officer" and "Chief Marketing Officer" jobs every day. (True story.)

💡Why don't I see any job listings on your website or in my inbox?

We show only relevant and fresh job posts. After you sign up for job alerts, it may take a couple of days for the first matching job to appear. For niche roles and smaller cities, there may be fewer jobs fitting your criteria. Rest assured, you will be among the first to hear when the right job becomes available.

💡Is AI job matching at JobSearch.Coach free?

Yes, our job alerts are completely free for job seekers. Employers may pay us when a high-quality applicant applies through our link, allowing us to offer this service for free.

Sign up for job alerts today and experience the best job search engine for professionals.