Affiliates and influencers

Earn by helping job seekers. We pay 40% of revenue for every new customer you send our way, which means you will usually earn $31 per referral.

1. Sign up online

One-minute sign-up to get your unique affiliate link.

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2. Share your link

Include your affiliate link in blog posts, social media, website, newsletter, and other digital content.

3. Earn money

Get paid 40% of every sale when someone visits JobSearch.Coach through your link.


💡Who can apply?

We partner with both individuals and businesses. Some examples: websites that bring value to job seekers by providing career development or job search resources, job boards, LinkedIn influencers, YouTube or TikTok creators.

💡What are the conditions?

Your referral will not qualify if the user already has a JobSearch.Coach account. We also do not accept self-referrals (referring yourself or your organization).

We do not allow paid search (PPC) or DTM linking to promote JobSearch.Coach.

💡What is the referral window?

You get paid if your referrals buy a subscription within 90 days, which is 3 times longer than the industry average (30 days).

💡How often are commissions paid?

Our affiliates are paid monthly.

💡What are the payout methods?

You will receive payments via PayPal. Please make sure that you entered a valid PayPal email address in your affiliate profile.

💡Can I use an affiliate discount coupon instead of an affiliate link?

Yes, you can. Sharing an exclusive discount coupon is an excellent way to track sales from videos, podcasts, and social media. If you are already our affiliate with a substantial audience (at least 50,000 followers on LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.), please email us to receive an exclusive discount for your audience. Sales will be attributed to you just as easily as if you were using an affiliate link.

💡Do you offer other partnership opportunities?

Yes, we do! Learn more about how your business or nonprofit organization — such as a university, career coaching service, or recruiting agency — can leverage JobSearch.Coach for your clients or students.

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