10 best questions to ask an interviewer at the end of a job interview

2024-01-08 by Andrej Tusicisny


"Do you have any questions for me?"

When you hear these words towards the end of a job interview, you don’t want to be caught off guard. This is your chance to further demonstrate your suitability for the role and to figure out if this job is the right fit for you.

Wondering what to ask? Depending on the interviewer's role in the company, here are 10 good questions to ask an interviewer:

What questions to ask a hiring manager

1. "What are the most important things I should accomplish in this role in the first 90 days / first year?"

This question helps you get a clear picture of what success looks like for this position. It'll also give you a last-minute opportunity to mention relevant experiences: when you've accomplished what the hiring manager cares about in your previous roles.

Instead of “What should a person in this role accomplish?” you want to ask “What should I accomplish in this role?” This is a subtle psychological trick that will help the hiring manager visualize you in the role.

2. "What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?"

Experienced managers tend to be thoughtful team designers, and they may have a long-term vision not captured by the job description. For example, they may look for a qualitative UX researcher, but hope the new hire would also bring quantitative research skills that no one on the team currently possesses. This question will give you an opportunity to highlight your unique skills that haven't been discussed during the interview.

3. "How would your direct reports describe your management style?"

The purpose is to assess alignment between your future boss's management style and your working style. For example, does the hiring manager sound like someone who is there when their reports need them, or is their attention scattered across too many projects? Do they micromanage their team? Do they even have a clear management philosophy?

What questions to ask a recruiter or a Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP)

4. "How does the company support employees in skill development?"

This question shows your eagerness to grow and learn within the organization, which are traits that employers generally value. The answer might reveal perks that you wouldn't otherwise hear about, such as educational reimbursement or conference budget.

What questions to ask potential co-workers

5. "What are the biggest challenges that I might face in this position?"

Ask this question at the end of a peer interview especially if you meet your predecessor or someone in the same role on the team. You wouldn't believe how much interviewers like to vent if they work in a toxic environment. And even on a functioning team, the answer will give you more information about whether you'd want this job in the first place.

6. "Can you describe the company's communication and collaboration practices?"

This question is a clever way to gauge how remote-friendly the company is. Avoid asking directly "Is the company remote-friendly?" because everyone will answer "yes." Instead, by inquiring about everyday practices, you'll get a more honest and useful answer.

7. "What changes on the team or in the company have been implemented based on employee suggestions?"

Asking your interviewer this question at the end of an interview will help you understand how effectively the company listens to and acts upon employee suggestions. If your potential co-worker can't think of any example, it's a sign that management is failing to engage and include employees.

What questions to ask a senior leader or a product manager

8. "What do you see as the near-term opportunities and challenges that this team could address?"

You might only have one opportunity, if any, to speak with your boss's superior. However, this is also a good question to ask anyone who works on product strategy. You'll be able to learn about strategic needs and opportunities. Then you can briefly mention when you delivered similar outcomes in a previous job. This question also demonstrates forward-thinking to one of the interview panelists.

What questions to ask in big companies or while interviewing for entry-level positions

9. "Can you share where successful employees in this role have progressed to over time?"

This question shows your ambition and interest in long-term career development. It also helps you understand the potential for career progression within the company. Asking the hiring manager might be tricky, as they often prioritize their immediate needs. However, better managers think about and support the upward career trajectory of their team.

Don't forget the most important question

10. "What are the next steps in the interview process, and when can I expect to hear back from you?"

Ask this question at every stage of the interviewing process: for example, at the end of the initial screening call with the recruiter, at the end of the initial job interview with the hiring manager, at the end of onsite interviews. The answer will help you prepare for the next steps in advance. It'll also create an implicit commitment you can refer to if you don't hear from the recruiter for weeks.

Remember, our AI interview preparation tool can suggest good questions to ask an interviewer, in addition to providing a comprehensive list of job interview questions to prepare for.