45% of Job Seekers Use Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Resumes

2024-01-29 by Amanda Sterling


In the competitive job market of 2024, where coveted positions attract hundreds of applicants, job seekers are turning to new technology for an edge. According to a recent international survey of 5,000 job seekers and 5,000 hiring managers, 45% of job applicants now use generative AI to build or improve their resumes. For those not yet relying on algorithmic assistance, a whopping 81% said they planned to in the future.

This surge reflects the need to tailor resumes to specific job descriptions rather than sending a single resume to multiple employers. Programmed to weigh employers' priorities, AI resume review services can quickly customize the applicant's resume. "It used to take me two hours tweaking each resume I sent out," one user said. "Now it's done in minutes."

Even more remarkably, 90% of hiring managers said it is acceptable to use generative AI in job application materials, such as resumes. Among them, 46% said AI should be "used minimally to augment an applicant's ideas and content" while 44% said it can also be used to create new content.

Still, risks abound. Chatbots like Bard have been known to invent bogus work histories. For now, it is safer to use a specialized AI tool, such as JobSearch.Coach, that quickly tailors resume details to each employer's priorities, but without fabrication. In the high-stakes hiring game, that is one innovation job seekers and hiring managers alike can get behind.